romance and love messages

romance and love messages

romance and love messages

                                                             Message 1 :
The rose speaks of your love silently in a language known only to my the heart.

Message 2 :
In your dreams and in my love there are no impossibilities.

Message 3:
What holds you together is far greater than what can tear you apart.

Message 4 :
A dream costs nothing unless you want it to come true

Message 5 :
A butterfly needs its wings ... an icebear needs cold weather and I ... I need you!

Message 6 :
Love... I want to hold you close to me and feel our hearts beat as one … forever ....

Message 7 :
I love you! From the earth till the moon!

Message 8 :
I hope that you finally understand, that I will love you untill the end, because your not just my girl, you are also my best friend!

Message 9 :
What is a flower without the sun, what is the earth without the sky. What am I without you, that is why I tell you … I love you

Message 10 :
Tomorrow there is an other day.A day i'd rather spend with you....without you there is no joy, only pain!

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