Short text messages of love

Short text messages of love

Messages of love  :
If I could change the alphabet, I would put U and I together!

Messages of love  :
You look great today. How did I know? Because you look great everyday.

Messages of love  :
What is love? It is what makes your cell phone ring every time I send text messages.

Messages of love  :
If love can be avoided by simply closing our eyes, then I wouldn’t blink at all for I don’t want to let a second pass having fallen out of love with you.

Messages of love  :
used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid my eyes on you.

Messages of love  :
Text me when you are sad, text me when you need someone to listen to and you can’t find anyone who will. I don’t care if I’m your last option, I just don’t want you to cry alone.

Messages of love  :
I don’t want to say I miss you, though deep inside I do, coz I’m afraid you might see thru and know how much fear I have of losing someone like you.

Messages of love  :
If love can be avoided simply by closing our eyes, I wouldn’t blink at all for I don’t want to let a second pass having fallen out of love with you.

Messages of love  :
There are 12 months a year…30 days a month…7 days a week…24 hours a day…60 minutes an hour…but only one like you in a lifetime.

Messages of love  :
There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.

Messages of love  :
Great minds contain ideas, solutions and reasons; scientific minds contain formulas, theories and figures; my mind contains only you!

Messages of love  :
Love can be expressed in many ways. One way I know is to send it across the distance to the person who is reading this.

Messages of love  :
When the time comes I can’t smile anymore, don’t worry about me, I know what to do. I’ll just stare at one corner and think of you. No one else could make me happy like the way you do.

Messages of love  :
There’s a love that only you can give, a smile that only your lips can show, a twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes, and a life of mine that you alone can complete.

Messages of love  :
Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life. But I’d rather be your moon, so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isn’t around.

Messages of love  :
Ah– I forgot your name. Can I call you mine? And, in case you forget my name too, call me yours!

Messages of love  :
If I had the letters “HRT”, I can add “EA” to get a “HEART” or a “U” and get “HURT”. But I’d rather choose “U” and get “HURT” than have a “HEART” without “U”.

Messages of love  :
You may never see how much I care for you. You may never hear how much I treasure you. You may never feel how much I miss you. Coz only here in my heart can you see them true.

Messages of love  :
There are 4 steps to happiness: 1. you, 2. me, 3. our hearts, 4. together!

Messages of love  :
If kisses were water, I’d give you the ocean. If hugs were leaves, I’d give you a forest. If love were space, I’d give you a galaxy. If friendship were life, I’d give you mine for free.

Messages of love  :
It’s hard to say hello because it might be goodbye. It’s hard to say I’m okay because sometimes I’m not. But it’s easy to say I miss you coz I know that I really do.

Messages of love  :
It’s hard for two people to love each other when they live in two different worlds. But when these two worlds collide and become one, that’s what you call you and I.

Messages of love  :
If you’re feeling lonely and you think there is nobody there to love, support, listen or show they care, just save this message and every time you realize it, it will remind you that a part of me is always there with you.

Messages of love  :
Roses are red, violets are blue. I am waiting to hear from a cute guy like you.

Messages of love  :
They say that as long as there is one person loving you, life isn’t a waste. So if you lose hope and thought that life is not worth living, just remember I’m here.

Messages of love  :
Do you know that men and women are angels created with only one wing? And they need to embrace each other to be able to fly… Hope you can find your angel whom you can fly with forever.

Messages of love  :
They told me I could do anything if I put my mind into it. Yet no matter how hard I try in all that I do, I just can’t take my mind off you.

Messages of love  :
My biggest reward is to see you smile, know you are happy, and feel you are loved. I know life is sometimes cruel, but that’s why I’m here, to show you that life can be good when somebody cares.

Messages of love  :
I always think of you, but I always fail to know the reason why. Is there something else I should know about you? But there is one thing that I know is true. That life will always be sad without you.

Messages of love  :
Hatred infects the mind; love dissolves it. You dissolve my mind.

Messages of love  :
Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it cause I might do something crazy like believe it.

Messages of love  :
I’m afraid to close my eyes coz I might think of you. I’m afraid to open them coz I might see you. I’m afraid to move my lips coz I might speak of you. I’m afraid to listen coz I might hear my heart fall for you.

Messages of love  :
I’m sorry to be smiling every time you’re near. I’m sorry my eyes twinkle whenever you’re here. I’m sorry that cupid has made his hit. I’m sorry I love you, I can’t help it.

Messages of love  :
Caring for someone is easy but making someone care for you is hard. Now I keep wondering how did you make it so easy for me to care for you.

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love sms , sms text love messages

sms text messages

Love is knowing that no matter what is done at the end of day, you won't change your mind, it's only wanting what's best for that special person.

sms text messages

I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew I'd be dreaming of you ... but I woke up this morning with a smile because you weren't a dream.

sms text messages

I hate him for leaving when I thought he never would ... but I love him for staying when I was putting him through so much.

sms text messages

I love the way you hold me in your arms when I am drifting asleep. I love the way you gently tuck my hair when you think I do not notice. I love the way you give me butterfly kisses so that it wouldn't disturb my sleep. Most of all, I love the way I feel secure and loved in your arms.

sms text messages

Our brains are opposites, not wanting each other, but our hearts are one, separated in heaven, yearning for the other half that is its equal.

sms text messages

I will love you forever and a day, and if forever takes a lifetime, then I promise to be there at the end to greet you with open arms. Then we will finally have all the dreams we have ever dreamt about, become a reality.

sms text messages

To see you when I wake up is a gift I didn't think could be real, to know that you feel the same as I do is a three-fold utopian dream. You do something to me that I can't explain, so would I be out of line if I said I miss you

sms text messages

It is not what you have done for me that makes me love you so much, it is the joys of who you are and the happiness you bring!

sms text messages

Whenever you look at me I feel you, whenever you touch me I hear you, whenever I see you I explode...for your love is what keeps me alive!

sms text messages

My heart, my life, my soul, she has the key to them all. She has but to turn the key and allow me to surround her with my warmth and love.

sms text messages

Words are just not enough to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I need you by my side, all my life. You have touched my life in ways others can't even think of.

sms text messages

True lovers don't give and take ... they give, and never expect to take anything back. Just like love, in every sense of the word.

sms text messages

I shall take your sorrows and give you my joys. Don't ever leave me, I can't live without you. You are dearer to me then my life, this much you must know, My Love.

sms text messages

When I'm with you all my fears disappear. So, I guess if you're wondering what my biggest fear is, it would be losing you.

sms text messages

Watchin' lovers walkin', hand in hand they pass me by. Wish I was one of them. Wish I had somebody, wakin' up beside me, lookin' into my eyes at night.

sms text messages

It's so hard to fall asleep at night when you wish the blanket wrapped around you tonight was the person wrapped around you last night.

sms text messages

Valuing a relationship is not merely done by seeing each other everyday. What counts is how much in our busy lives we remember each other.

sms text messages

So many of us either fear tomorrow or regret yesterday. But, I won't fear tomorrow if I get to be your's forever, and I don't regret yesterday because one yesterday, I met you.

sms text messages

Your kiss came as a suprise, something remarkable, something sensational. You unlocked my sealed lips, and I would allow you to do it again

sms text messages

I would give my life for you, you mean the world to me. You know I love you and I wanna be together when you run away. Just me and you, just you and me. Will you run away with me

sms text messages

If I sleep with you tonight, will I wake up beside you in the morning or only find footprints leading to the door

sms text messages

If you've lied, well, keep on lying because my heart would be torn apart into thousands of pieces for knowing the truth.

sms text messages

The doors of Love often open and shut. We were a small handful of the lucky ones; we were lucky to stop the doors before they closed and look at us now, and how much our love has grown.

sms text messages

Many miles and many smiles, we share, as we both look up and gaze at our star, knowing love is in the heart and we shall sleep well, my Love.

sms text messages

Lord, send angels for my darling and take her to that home on high; I'll wait my time out, here on earth, Love, and come to you when I die.

sms text messages

Time might head us nowhere, Fate might break us apart, but I'll always be thankful that once along my journey I knew someone like you.

sms text messages

It's wrong to say I can't live without you because I've already lived before I met you, but instead I'll say Life will be better if you're just here with me .

sms text messages

Don't promise me forever, don't promise me the sun and sky, don't pretend to know you'll never make me cry. Just hold me now, and promise me you'll try.

sms text messages

Let me look into your eyes, so I can explore your mind and soul, for my love is the answer to all your questions, and your eyes are the gateway to our love.

sms text messages

Let love in through the narrow crack in the heart. Let love warm our once cold bitter hearts. Let love burn our long lost passion again. Let you be my love once again.

sms text messages

Like a perfect scene, from a movie screen, we're a dream come true, suited perfectly, for eternity, me and you.

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Sweet love messages 2014

Love Messages

I am in hospital now. After 5 minutes, I will be transferred to a surgery room. The doctor told me, I will die if I stop RECEIVING YOUR SMS.

If you fall in river there is a boat .. if you fall in well there is rope .. but if you fall in love there is no hope

If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me. .. If u save it thats bcoz u desire me  .. & if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me. So what u gonna do with It?

Do you believe in love at first sight
  • Do you believe in love at first sight .. or do I have to walk by again??

Love is sweet poison: .. Do not consume without your beloved’s advise .. and keep out of reach of children .. and keep it in cool and dark place.

You are like the sunshine so warm, you are like sugar, so sweet… you are like you… and that’s the reason why I love you!

If you love someone, put their name in a circle, instead of a heart, because hearts can break, but circles go on forever

L O V E .. L = Lake of Sorrows .. O = Ocean of Tears .. V = Valley of Death .. E = End of life….

You must be a good runner because you are  always running in my mind, you must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart, and i am always a bad shooter because I Miss You Always…

I have the “I”,I have the “L”,I have the “O”,I have the “V”,I have the
  • “E”,… so pls can I have “U”?

What I feel for you,is really true. You got to know,I need you so. When you are gone,I can’t go on. Can’t you see, that you are the only one for me?

Love is like a golden chain that links our hearts together and if you ever break that chain youll break my heart 4ever!

sweet as a rose bud bright as a star cute as a kitten thats what u are.bundles of joy sunshine and fun you are everything i luv all rolled into 1

I have liked many but loved very few.yet no-one has been as sweet as u.I’d stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.just for the pleasure of a moment with u.

Sometimes My eyes get jealouse of my Heart!!!
You Know Why?Bcoz…..You Always Remain close to my HEART n far from my EYES.


uv been called b4 cupids court 4 stealin my heart.trespassin in my dreams & robin me of my senses.uv been sentened 2 a lifetime wiv me- how do u plead?

I love so much my heart is sure.As time goes on I love you more,Your happy smile.Your loving face, no one will ever take your placeBy Ikram Marwat

Ur only mine wen i dream.wen i wake i wanna scream.ur not mine im all alone.i can only text u on my dreams lie or r dey true-i hope so cos babes i want u!

I believe that God above created u for me to luv.he picked you out from all the rest cos he knew id luv you the best!

Girl ur clever girl ur smart.girl ur like a work of art.girl ur sexy girl ur fine.d only thing u aint is mine!


today a few drops of blood fell down of my heart and when i asked why the response was “There was someone very cruel in yours heat that forced us to come out .

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